Why transgender women are the better candidates of dating than average?
Why transgender women are probably most likely the better candidates of dating than average girls? Many people ask about this question. Here are some reasons.The first reason is that they are strong, They've had to endure a lot in their life, they've been through a lot and it just make them stronger people, it makes us really sweet. You go through as much as a transgender woman who's been like either kicked out of her home or she's been beat up by people by bullies and stuff, She's gonna be a very loving caring person, because she doesn't want anybody to feel what she's been through.
Reasons number two, they are more appreciate of the small things. They don't need you to buy them an expensive lunch, or spend a hundred dollars on something for me to be happy. They just want you to hold their hands in public, they just want you to be happy. Many people out there want to hide them, so they are easy to please, they don't have super unobtainable standards, they just wanting the world from you, they just appreciate the small things.
Reasons number two three. Not all guys want to have kids. They can't get pregnant which means they don't have periods either. A lot of guys don't want kids, so much pressure to have a kid when there is a guy and a female in relationship. So, if you don't want to have kids, transgender women are the perfect candidates for you. At first, many transgender women may feel sad that they want to have their own child but they cannot do.
Reasons number two four. They know a man's needs more than average girls, because they were men for many years, and they know men very clear.
Reasons number two five. Transgender women are more feminine, because they are making up for what they lack in their previous life, and they care about their appearance, they just want to look spruced up and feminine at all times.
I heard from a few guys that they really appreciate transgender women, because they actually take the time to get ready and don't take advantage of being a woman. The guys actually like take the time and effort to be feminine and to be curly, you guys aren't trying to like step all over their toes all the time. Girls want to be girl, but transgender girl want to act like a dude, it's like you can be chillin over there with dudes and trying to act like a dude, but except him treat you like a woman.
Last but not the least, I'm sure that I can come up with a great reason for why it's more beneficial if date a transgender woman. Now, transgender people are probably the most talked-about group minority, they are super accepting because they know what it is like to be picked on and to be judged for being different. They just genuinely accept it for what it is, they don't judge you.